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Richer By The Experience - Tbilisi Bath House

Located in an area called ‘Abanotubani’, my favorite Georgian word meaning ‘Bath District’ are the Bath Houses of Tbilisi. This location holds a lot of historic prominence, because this is where the Georgian Capital City of Tbilisi originated.

Abanotubani is a popular destination for locals, merchants and travelers alike from the past to the present. Here you will notice local men huddled together on the park bench in noisy discussions, tourists with their cameras clicking away, pomegranate juice makers trying to make a sale to these tourists, young children feeding the birds, and perhaps an old man ignoring all the chaos around him, basking under the sun and just having the best nap ever.

When you follow the water body that runs through this energetic square, you come across the waterfall, and the many colorful homes from the 19th century perched upon sloping hills and balconies held up by wooden beams. Among them your eyes will notice an array of dome shaped structures. And your nose will sense an odor that you gladly are not familiar with, a pungent aroma that fills the air, and your nostrils. Located within these dome structures are the ever popular Bath Houses of Tbilisi.

These baths contain redirected natural water that is released from the ground to the surface at elevated temperature. They boast a higher mineral content and soaking in them claims to have therapeutic benefits on your skin and body. Meaning that my plane journey weary legs and shoulder could be healed from its muscle ache, and I was on a fast-track lane to achieving prettiness. Thus, for the sake of wellness and beauty, but mostly beauty, I decided that I will indulge in this experience.

And so I started my research using my newly downloaded Tripadvisor App (Download this App for your travels NOW. My entire research and planning while in Georgia was done with the assistance of the Tripadvisor App. It also has a feature that records your timeline, so even if you forget where you went the App will not).

Let me be totally honest, post research the whole experience did not appeal to me one bit. The reviews were inconsistent ranging from excellent to excellently poor, and the images were anything but fancy. We in the UAE are so used to our luxury spas and beauty lounges that anything less than lavishness and ever friendly and hospitable staff is something we are not enthusiastic about. My friends were keen, and eager to try out the experience; however I on the other hand used my several allergies as an excuse to buy time until I did additional research and was sure I was OK with indulging in this experience. Not one to openly admit my reluctance and repulsiveness, I decided to visit the bath myself and evaluate if this was an experience I would be comfortable with. There are several Baths located within Abanotubani. They are just a dome away from one another. My research narrowed down to Royal Bath as being one among the best choices, as they have private rooms for hire.

Walking towards the Royal Bath I was greeted by large men in black jackets, giving me the rates and services on offer, talking to me about massages and baths. Asking me to crouch my head and enter inside the dark dome. Albeit it all seemed a bit dubious but ignoring the voices in my mind screaming Retreat! Retreat! I continued on. Inside the dome the aroma in the air is much thicker and stronger, I had difficulty breathing but I persevered on. I encountered people that I had difficulty communicating with due to language barriers but I persevered on. I thought to myself, I could very well get a massage when I return back to UAE, so why bother, but I bothered and persevered on.

Walking around inside the Royal Bath, that is not really ‘royal’ and faced with a laminated document detailing the prices. I silenced all the voices in my mind and proceeded to book a private bath for an hour for a discounted offer of 60 Liras, at a time that was convenient to me. And I paid a deposit of 25 Liras as guarantee for the appointment.

I highly recommend that you book an appointment with them, because when you return back for your scheduled appointment, the room is available for your use at your desired time. Surely, you may still have to wait a bit like I did but that’s alright, because then you can sit on the green worn-out sofa and stare at the statue of the man with a bucket and a cloth on his shoulders, and assimilate your senses to the aroma and the heat. It is best that this experience is planned in either later into the evening or at night. And if you are planning to do this only once during your trip, schedule it towards the end of your journey. So that when you return back from your vacation you look and feel rejuvenated. Do not except lush surroundings and staff catering to your every need here though. Royal Bath is clean, hygienic, relatively well maintained, and apt for the authentic experience that it provides. During the bath itself, at times you do feel like you are being boiled alive but not to worry, because you are not. There is a method to truly enjoying the process of this experience. Ensure that you wear clothes and shoes that are easy to wear and to take off. You can carry your own towels and soap to the bath or you can pay a few Liras extra and buy towels and soap from them. The towels they have on offer are long, thin and white and come in pairs. So if you are getting your own, get two towels and a bag to carry them while wet. This restricts you if you wish to explore the night-life of Tbilisi, so the best option is to buy, use and discard the towels after use. Your private bath consists of three rooms, a relaxation area, a washroom, and the bath. The relaxation area consists of slippers for your use, a table, benches to sit on, a clock to keep track of time, and a phone for the front-desk to call you asking you to vacate the room when your hour has ended. The washroom is well a washroom. And the bath consists of a huge tub with running stream of hot water for you to submerge yourself in. It also has an area for massage which you can book for an additional amount. A bucket, shower and tap with running cold water. You can use the bucket to fill it up with cold water and pour into the bath to reduce the temperature if needed.

Certain areas within the bath would be hotter than the rest. So find a spot you are comfortable with and just let the minerals within the water cleanse your body, and reduce the tightness within your muscles.

It is not possible for you to be submerged within the bath continuously for an hour. You will feel uncomfortable or even lightheaded after 20 – 25 minutes of exposure to the heat and humidity. This is when you get out of the bath, cover yourself up in the white long towels you purchased and head out into the relaxation room and lower your body temperature, and your rapid heartbeat. After a break of 10 – 15 minutes you head back into the bath. You continue this process for whatever extent of time you are comfortable with. If you can endure the bath for longer period then indulge in it for as long as you can. Remember though to keep an eye on time.

When you decide that you have had enough, take a shower and regain your strength in the relaxation area. When your time is up, dry yourself up; wear your clothes and leave. There are hair-dryers available for your use if required.

As I was drying my hair, I noticed the effects of the bath on my face and skin. I had a slight glow on my cheeks which got better as time progressed. My skin felt smoother and clearer. The tightness in my muscles had disappeared and although my hair was dry by now, I just continued drying it enjoying the reflection of myself in the mirror. Once my inner narcissist was satisfied, I headed out of the dome with an energized sensation and feeling beautiful. When the cool night’s wind caressed me, I truly began to feel more alive and invigorated, and recognized that some experiences are worth persevering for.

Truly an enjoyable experience tried and tested twice from the mind of Nive Prem.


Tips from the mind of Nive Prem:

- Schedule an appointment;

- Opt for private rooms, if you do not want to expose your body to strangers;

- Wear comfortable clothes and shoes;

- Get your own towels, if you do not like reusing towels. The towels are clean so it is just a matter of choice;

- Shift in and out of the bath when you feel tired;

- Do not panic, dizziness is normal.

Things to Do / Places to See within walking distance:

- Narikala Fortress – An ancient fortress dating back to the 4th century, located high up on a hill providing spectacular panoramic views of the city. Try the aerial tramway to reach the top. An experience on its own, and walk your way down;

- Kartlis Deda – Known as the Mother of a Georgian, is the figure of a women in the traditional Georgian attire. She holds a bowl of wine in her left hand signifying welcome to those who come to her land as friends, and she holds a sword in her right hand signifying strength to those who come to her land as enemies;

- National Botanical Garden of Georgia – For a walk surrounded by trees and birds and a lovely waterfall;

- The Anchiskhati Basilica – Dedicated to Virgin Mary, and dating back to the 6th century. The ruins around it is exciting and explore-worthy;

- Saint George’s Church – An Armenian Church dating back to the 13th century;

- Bridge of Peace – A modern structure among the old. A walk through this bridge at night is beautiful owing to its shimmering play of lights;

- Meidan Bazaar – A part of the Silk-Route, it is now an underground passageway filled with art and souvenirs;

- The many different and vibrant restaurants, and cafes, perfect for a night out.

Get richer by the experience!

If this article influenced you to try the experience in and around Abanotubani, then please write to me about your experience to or tag your pictures on instagram to #richerbytheexperience / #fromthemindofniveprem for a feature on my page.


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