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Indebted Love

Dear Father,

In every way you are my hero in life.

In every way you are the reason behind my success.

You showed me from a very young age that with hard work and dedication, anything can be achieved.

You came from a humble beginning and with very few people rooting for your success, but you overcame all hurdles that life threw at you and emerged victorious.

Your strength of character gave me and my brother the power to dream and envision a world where anything was possible. It made us humble yet powerful. It gave us desire and fueled our fire to conquer.

You are a man of action. It is not by your words, but by your actions that you show how much you care and love. And these emotions are not just restricted to your own children, it is shared with anyone else who may be directly or indirectly connected to you. You open your heart out and provide to us and them the best that you can offer. There are no limitations to your love and generosity. There are no conditions that you place upon us or them. You give because you want to. You love because of the purity of your heart.

You have never made me feel at any point in my life, that something was unachievable, you have always stood by me, giving me the courage to create a life for myself that I can live with pride and happiness.

Whenever, I have even felt a hint of hesitation you were there to let me know, that I need not fear and that you are there for me. And you always are present right beside me, holding my hand, never letting go.

Whenever I travel alone, I have this inner faith that gives me the confidence that even if I were to get lost, you will in one way, or another find me. That gives me the courage to venture into the unknown and experience adventures that have resulted in memories that will last me a lifetime.

There have been situations wherein I have lost something precious to me and although I gave up hope of ever finding them back, you never did. And in some miraculous manner you always find them back for me.

I want to thank you for everything that you achieved as a person, which in turn helped me and my brother achieve everything that we achieved.

I want to thank you for giving us the ability to work hard, the higher morals and ethics with which we work with, which has led us to be successful in our chosen line of work.

I want to thank you for showcasing to us throughout our childhood and as adults, the deeds of a good human. The generosity with which one should conduct oneself, the ability to share and be selfless, the power to continue to care even when it may not be always reciprocated.

I want to thank you for giving me such high standards about what to expect in a man. The compassion, respect, commitment and protectiveness that a man should encompass within himself was taught to me by you. My brother is a better man because of you.

I want to thank you for instilling within us traits such as loyalty and honesty.

I want to thank you for being so efficient in dealing with life and for all your accomplishments.

I want to thank you for your intuitiveness and your resourcefulness.

I want to thank you for believing in us and giving us our freedom to choose our own paths.

I want to thank you for everything that you have done for us, big and small which today led us to be the people we are.

For all this and more, I am forever grateful.

Your ever indebted daughter.

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