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An Ode To My Mother

2018 is here and I have not published anything on this platform since October 2017.

My excuse is that life got in the way. It is a good excuse I tell myself. Life did indeed get in the way..

In 2018, I thought I would be a better human. In comparison to the last year that is because I do believe I am a top-notch human any which way. And I also believe that all my three hundred and fifty six Gods/Goddesses are proud that they created me. I promised myself for 2018 and moving forward that I would be a more patient person. Patient with life, with people, with circumstances, with the slow walking group of people in front of me, with that random man/women who lack basic common courtesy and manners, with the other group of people who wish to make life-changing decisions at the entrance of an escalator, with the kids screaming and running around in the movie theatre of a serious movie during a very serious scene, and with God themselves for giving me what I want at a slow pace rather than with rapid speed.

I also promised myself to be a more grateful person. Grateful for all the amazing people, experiences, things, love, blessings and life I amassed over the years. And when I list them all out, one person and their love to me trumps all else, and that is of my Amma, my Mother, my beginning and my end. So without further ado, I would like to publicly profess to my mother, all the reasons why I love her so. 60 to be precise.

I can clearly see my father asking my mother "Where is my Ode?"

To echo Elizabeth Barrett Browning.... How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

You care more about others than yourself.

You are kind.

You are optimistic about life.

You believe that only good resides in people.

You taught me to be brave.

You are a positive person.

You are unique in your thoughts and actions.

You love to love.

You made me become "ME".

You love to feed me.

You enjoy life and the people in it.

You are funny.

You are cuter than me.

You are honest.

You are ethical.

Your love for words introduced me to my greatest teachers in life.

You believe that in the end it will all be good, and it always is.

You give me strength.

You hug with your heart.

You always know how to make me feel better.

You love me so very much.

You are generous.

You are adorable.

You laugh with all your heart.

You handle pain very well.

You created me and my brother with ease.

You gave me a family.

You are filled with joy and happiness.

You are surrounded by people who love and cherish you.

You know how I feel just by looking into my eyes.

You have given me every opportunity to be me.

You instilled the love of independence in me.

You taught me valuable life lessons.

You gave me important life skills.

You are whimsical.

You pamper me.

You taught me that anything can be achieved.

You are willing to try out anything new.

You are free-spirited and forward thinking.

You are a very reliable person.

You have an incredibly strong and powerful spirit.

You can communicate with me even without saying a single word.

You accept people for who they are.

You are beautiful.

You gave me wings to fly.

You gave me roots to hold on to.

You are heroic.

You are fun to spend time with.

You understand.

You are calm during a storm.

You experience life beautifully.

You are silly.

You are stubborn.

You are so special and amazing.

You gave me a life worthy of living.

You love with all your mind, body, heart, spirit and soul.

You gave me my beautiful good looks.

You gave me life.

You gave me love.

For all these reasons and more you are loved.


Your Daughter.

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